Cat-tastic Resolutions

Charlottesville Animal Hospital

If you’re like us, you’re probably making a list of all the New Year’s resolutions you want to commit to in 2020. But don’t make your list just about you. How about throwing in some 2020 goals for your cat? We’ve got plenty of ideas, from jazzing up your cat’s environment with enrichment toys to scheduling that long-overdue veterinary exam. When you start thinking about your physical and emotional health of your cat, you may find that these resolutions for cats sound a lot like your own!

1. Move more.
You probably have a fitness goal on your 2020 list and it is important to remember that our feline friends need exercise as well. We bet it won’t take much to get your cat moving, especially if you’ve got a fun feather toy or laser pointer! Make it a goal to set aside time every day for active play with your cat.

2. Spend more time with friends and family.
Having a cat who hides when family and friends come over isn’t fun for anyone – especially your cat. Make a resolution to help your feline feel more comfortable and confident when interacting positively with friendly humans. (Of course, that can include you.)

3. Learn a trick.
Cats can’t learn tricks, your friends insist. But we know that isn’t true. Impress in 2020 by teaching your cat an awesome trick – perhaps to come when called, high five or even a simple sit. And it you really want to be an overachiever this year, see if your cat enjoys learning to walk on a leash.

4. Get (en)rich(ed).
Enriching your cat’s environment is easy to do with the addition of a scratching post, food puzzle, cat tree or even a fancy catio. It may not seem like much, but all of these items help promote natural feline behaviors like climbing, hunting, scratching and more – and that can improve the health of your cat physically and mentally.

5. Eat better.
Now is a great time to evaluate your cat’s nutrition and eating. Talk with your veterinarian to make sure you’re feeding the correct amount of food for your cat’s size and activity level. And depending on your cat’s age, you may want to ask about transitioning her from kitten to adult food or from adult food to a senior formula.

6. Visit the groomer.
While you’re booking your cat’s next vet appointment, why not call the groomer as well? although is true that cats do much of their own grooming, sometimes a visit to the groomer is in order for a fresh shampooing, nail clipping or fur trimming.

7. Most importantly, go to the doctor.
Many cats don’t see a veterinarian nearly as often as they should, so make a resolution to change that. Call us at your clinic and schedule your cat’s next physical exam. Trust us, having the opportunity to potentially catch health conditions before they progress is well worth the time – and yes, there are ways to help make your next vet visit easier on both you and your cat.


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